Watermark File Name Program


Bytescout Watermarking is capable of stamping existing pictures with their filenames using FileName watermark type. Available modes are: Filename with extension, Filename without extension, Full Path, Directory

Sometimes, though, it would be preferable to watermark an image file with the actual file name. This can be particularly helpful for proofing—selecting the image someone would like to receive as a retouched image file or finished print—and for quickly finding files by name and number. Dragging and dropping files to the page also works. Dropbox or Google Drive files. You can pick PDF files from Dropbox or Google Drive too. Expand the 'Upload' dropdown and select your files. Step 2: Add Text Watermark. Click the Add Text button at the top of the PDF page. You should see a text watermark being added. Click on it to edit the text. Stamp Date Time File name on photos. Use image date time file name stamp software to print the date and time or the file name or simple water mark on your photos. Below is a summary of features: 1. Drag and drop images or photos into to the software list box, select a location to save produced images and operation mode and you are ready to go.

NOTE: You can customize filename representation using EXIF macros in Watermarking PRO

Watermark file name program

To add stamps with filename select filename format:

Watermark file name program

Below is the sample output image (Filename with extension filename format):

INFORMATION: You can add EXIF and other photo information using macros in Watermarking PRO/products/enduser/watermarking/watermarkingpro.html

Watermark file name programs

Watermark Pdf
